Silicone-hydrogel contact lens materials represent
a new family of biomaterials, whose properties are unlike any
other previously developed for contact lens use. The incorporation
of siloxane groups into the base hydrogel material has produced
materials that have substantially improved oxygen transmission
characteristics compared with conventional soft contact lens materials
1-3 and the results from clinical studies conducted to-date indicate
that the number of physiological complications induced by the
overnight use of such materials is significantly less than that
seen with conventional materials. 4-11
Detailed explanations of the development of silicone hydrogel
materials for contact lenses and their polymer chemistry have
been described in detail elsewhere. 2, 12-16
The use of silicon-containing flexible contact lenses is not new,
as silicone-elastomeric lenses have been used for therapeutic
and paediatric applications for many years. 17
These lenses offer exceptional oxygen transmission, but the migration
of siloxane moieties to the material surface results in the production
of extremely hydrophobic surfaces, resulting in marked lipid deposition.
18 To overcome this, the surfaces
of the two commercially available silicone-hydrogel lenses are
surface treated, 2, 13,
19, 20 in an attempt
to improve the wettability of the materials and to reduce the
degree of deposition that would occur on non-treated materials.
The surfaces of Focus Night & Day (lotrafilcon) lenses are
permanently modified in a gas plasma reactive chamber to create
a permanent, ultrathin (25nm), high refractive index, continuous
hydrophilic surface. 13, 21
PureVision (balafilcon) lenses are surface treated in a gas plasma
reactive chamber which transforms the silicone components on the
surface of the lenses into hydrophilic silicate compounds. 2,
19, 20 Glassy, discontinuous
silicate “islands” result, 19,
20 and the hydrophilicity of these areas
"bridges" over the underlying hydrophobic balafilcon
A material.
The deposition of contact lenses with substances derived from
the tear fluid is a well-known clinical complication, resulting
in reductions in comfort, 22 vision 23
and increased inflammatory responses. 24
Hydrogel materials rapidly spoil with constituents from the tear
film, particularly proteins, 25, 26
lipids 27 and mucins. 28
The adsorption of proteins and lipids at the contact lens interface
is dependent upon a number of factors. Notable amongst these are
material water content, 29, 30
surface charge, 29, 31,
32 wearing period 33
and age of the lens material. 34
Increasing water content and/or ionicity of the lens material
greatly enhances protein deposition, 25,
29-32, 35-37
with lysozyme being detectable on FDA group IV lenses after wearing
times for as little as one minute. 38
Whilst group IV lenses tend to predominantly deposit lysozyme,
neutral group II lens materials (particularly those containing
vinyl pyrrolidone) have a tendency to deposit lipid. 33,
39, 40
Information concerning the degree of protein and lipid deposition
that occurs on silicone-hydrogel lens materials is of significant
clinical importance, as these lenses are intended for in-eye use
for up to 30 days without removal. It is imperative that materials
worn in this way deposit as little material from the tear film
as possible, in order to minimise the potential visual and inflammatory
complications detailed above.
Results from our group 41, 42
and others 43-45
indicate that the amount of lysozymedeposited on silicone-hydrogel
lens materials is significantly less than that seen on group IV
traditional contact lens materials. Figure 1 indicates that silicone-hydrogels
typically deposit less than 10 µg of lysozyme after being
worn in-eye for 30 days, as compared with an etafilcon-lens (Acuvue),
which deposits in the region of 1000 µg of lysozyme after
one week of extended-wear.
Figure 1 Degree
of lysozyme deposition measured on Focus Night & Day (lotrafilcon),
PureVision (balafilcon) and Acuvue (etafilcon). The lotrafilcon
and balafilcon lenses were worn for 30 nights continuously
and the etafilcon lens was worn for 6 nights without removal.
The degree of lysozyme deposition was significantly different
between all three lens types (p<0.001). |
Despite surface treatment of the lens materials, in vitro wetting
angle assessment of the two silicone-hydrogel materials indicates
that they remain relatively hydrophobic compared with conventional
hydrogels. 44, 46, 47
Lipids preferentially deposit onto hydrophobic surfaces and data
thus far indicates that lipid deposition on silicone-hydrogels
can be a problem for certain patients. 41
Figure 2 reveals data from our laboratory, which indicates that
certain classes of lipids preferentially deposit onto silicone-hydrogel
lens materials and that silicone-hydrogels deposit greater quantities
of lipid than conventional ionic lens materials.
Figure 2 Degree
of lipid deposition measured on Focus Night & Day (lotrafilcon),
PureVision (balafilcon) and Acuvue (etafilcon). The lotrafilcon
and balafilcon lenses were worn for 30 nights continuously
and the etafilcon lens was worn for 6 nights without removal.
The degree of lipid deposition was significantly different
between all three lens types (p<0.001). |
Lipid deposition onto conventional lens materials
is highly patient dependent 33, 34,
48-50 and this fact
is similarly observed with silicone-hydrogel lens materials. Figures
3 and 4 reveal various lipid deposition patterns seen in certain
subjects using silicone-hydrogel lenses.
Figure 3 Lipid
deposition in the form of lens calculi (jelly-bumps) on a
silicone-hydrogel lens. Picture courtesy of Brian Tompkins.
Figure 4 Lipid
deposition in the form of a heavy film on the lens surface
of a silicone-hydrogel lens. Picture courtesy of Brian Tompkins. |
to enlarge |
to enlarge |
If subjects are seen to be depositing their silicone-hydrogel
lenses with lipid then moving to non vinyl pyrrolidone-containing
materials (such as Proclear or Acuvue) should reduce this phenomenon.
Further options include adding surfactant cleaners containing
alcohol (such as Miraflow) or moving to more frequent periods
of replacement. 33
In summary, currently available, first-generation silicone-hydrogel
lens materials have provided clinicians with materials that allow
safe, oedema-free overnight wear for up to 30 continuous nights.
They deposit only small amounts of protein from the tear film,
but certain patients do have problems related to the deposition
of lipids on these materials, due to the relatively hydrophobic
nature of the lens surfaces. Subsequent iterations of siloxane-hydrogels
should be designed with surfaces that are ideally more hydrophilic,
in an attempt to optimise their biocompatibility with the tear
We would like to acknowledge the work of Ian Forbes, Derek Louie,
Chris May and Jillian Schickler for their assistance in producing
the results published in this article.
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