Manuscript Review
Practitioner guidelines for continuous wear with high Dk silicone
hydrogel contact lens
Sweeney DF, Keay L, Carnt N, Holden BA Clin Exp Optom. 2002, 85:161-167
Clinical studies have shown that high Dk silicone hydrogel lenses
have eliminated physiological changes due to hypoxia,
The introduction of high Dk silicone hydrogel contact lenses into
clinical practice has renewed the interest in continuous wear
and presented practitioners with a new dimension of contact lens
practice. Since these materials are unique and the concept of
fitting lenses which may be worn for up to 30 nights continuously
is novel, practitioners need to fit the lenses and manage patients
in a manner which is different to the usual contact lens fitting
routine. To assist practitioners in this transition, Sweeney and
11 have published "Practitioner
guidelines for continuous wear with high Dk silicone hydrogel
contact lenses" and this is a review of that paper.
The paper provides guidelines for practitioners to successfully
manage continuous wear with high Dk silicone hydrogen contact
lenses which includes patient selection, fitting assessment, after-care
and patient education.
Patient Selection
Correct patient selection is crucial to achieve success with extended
wear. Detailed medical and ocular history must be taken prior
to lens fitting to rule out potential problematic patients such
as those who have systemic disease or are using systemic medications
which potentially compromise immunity and slow the healing response,
and those who have a history of infiltrative reactions with contact
lens wear. Although the high Dk hydrogel lenses cause less reported
symptoms of dryness and discomfort than low Dk lens when worn
on an extended wear basis, patients who have a history of discomfort
and dryness could still be problematic. A routine biomicroscopic
assessment of the whole anterior eye and tear layer is also essential.
Any significant degree of corneal staining or infiltration must
be resolved before lens wear commences. Patients who have poor
hygiene and non-compliance with the wearing schedule and maintenance
procedures are at increased risk of microbial contamination. Thus,
it is necessary to continuously educate patients on the importance
of lens hygiene so that they will correctly follow the instructions
on after-care. The documentation kit recommended by Brennan and
12, which includes an information
brochure, practitioner-patient agreement, instruction sheet, question
and answer sheet, informed consent and emergency documentation,
is useful to outline what the patient should expect from continuous
wear with high Dk lenses.
As high Dk hydrogel lenses currently are only available in the
spherical form, authors suggest that patients with astigmatism
of one diopter or more may not be suitable candidates for these
Lens fitting and wear schedule
of on ill-fitting Silicone Hydrogel Lens
An ideal fit with silicone hydrogel lenses should achieve maximum
movement and also provide optimum comfort. Trial lens fitting
should always be undertaken before the commencement of continuous
wear. Lens fit assessment includes evaluation of centration, corneal
coverage and movement, and should be performed after 10-20 minutes
of insertion. Lens fluting, a buckling of the lens edge, is the
primary reason of ill-fitting silicone hydrogel lenses and will
cause discomfort.
With regard to wear schedule, the authors recommended that starting
with a daily wear adaptation period followed by a one-week extended
wear is necessary for new lens-wearers. That is to allow the patient
to become accustomed to lens wear and the practitioner to assess
the response of the eye to the lens. Flexibility in wearing schedule
should be encouraged. Patients can remove and clean their lenses
as often as is thought necessary, but the authors have stressed
that the lens must be rinsed and cleaned or disinfected prior
to every reinsertion or be replaced with a new lens.
After care
Rinsing the eye with unit dose saline. |
The guidelines suggested that the initial visit for continuous
wear after-care should be scheduled after the first overnight
wear. Subsequently, the patients should be seen after first week,
first month, at three months and every three months thereafter.
At each after care visit, record the history of lens wear health
and symptoms, visual acuity, subjective ratings (i.e. comfort
and vision), a thorough biomicroscopic examination of the anterior
eye, corneal and lids (including palpebral conjunctiva), and the
fit and appearance of lens surface should be conducted. It is
important to evaluate the anterior eye carefully to detect any
possible adverse events. It has been shown to be beneficial for
patients to rinse their eyes each morning and night using single
dose saline. Generally, there is no treatment needed for lipid
deposition and mucin balls, which are observed more often with
high Dk hydrogel lenses, unless they affect patient's comfort
and vision.
Patient education
It is necessary to reiterate the importance of patient compliance
at each visit. Patients should be advised to check every morning
and night to ensure the well-being of their eyes. If there are
any concerns, they should immediately remove their lenses and
contact a practitioner. The instruction on lens care should be
followed in the event of scheduled and unscheduled removal. Patients
should be also advised never to sleep with uncomfortable lenses
or if they feel physically unwell. Finally, patients should be
advised that lens care solution is needed and a pair of up-to-date
glasses should always be available as adverse responses can occur
at any time.
Sweeney et al's guidelines11
provide practitioners with useful information on how to conduct
successful practice of continuous wear with silicone hydrogel
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8. Keay L, Sweeney D et al. Microcyst response to high Dk/t
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11. Sweeney D, Keay L et al. Practitioner guidelines
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Clin Exp Optom 2002 85(3):161-7
12. Brennan NA, Coles M-L C. Where do silicone
hydrogels fit into everyday practice? In: Sweeney DF, ed. Silicone
hydrogels: The rebirth of continuous wear contact lenses. Oxford:
Butterworth-Heinemann; 2000:235-70