Manuscript Review by Kathy Dumbleton
Seven-day Extended Wear and 30-day Continuous Wear of High Oxygen
Transmissibility Soft Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses: A Randomized
1-year Study of 504 Patients.
Sven Erik G. Nilsson. CLAO 2001 July;27(3): 125-136.
Many patients desire the convenience of wearing their contact
lenses on a continuous basis, only having to remove the lenses
when they need replacing, therefore avoiding daily handling and
the regular use of care regimens. With conventional lens materials
extended periods of lens wear have been associated with higher
complication rates, in particular microbial keratitis1,2,
and in 1989 the maximum recommended period for extended wear was
reduced to 7 days. The complications historically associated with
extended wear have resulted in practitioners and patients becoming
concerned about the potential safety issues associated with this
High Dk silicone hydrogel lenses have been shown to supply sufficient
oxygen to effectively eliminate hypoxia3 and have overcome many
of the complications associated with acute4,5 and chronic6-9 oxygen
deprivation. Despite the elimination of hypoxia, several clinical
complications have been reported to occur as a result of silicone
hydrogel lens wear10-14 and there is particular interest in whether
the incidence of these complications increases with the number
of nights that the lenses are worn consecutively without removal.
The paper published by Sven Erik Nilsson in the July 2002 issue
of the CLAO journal reports the results from a multicentre clinical
trial in which the clinical performance and complication rate
were compared when silicone hydrogel lenses were worn for up to
7 consecutive days or 30 consecutive days without removal. 504
adapted soft contact lens wearers at 23 contact lens practices
in Sweden were randomly assigned to either 7 day/6 night or 30
day/29 night wearing schedules. All patients were fitted with
PureVision (Bausch & Lomb Inc.) silicone hydrogel (balafilcon
A) contact lenses with a Dk/t of 110. All lenses were replaced
monthly and the study lasted for a period of one year.
Subjective symptoms and complaints (in most cases dryness, discomfort
and burning / itching) were mild. There were no significant differences
in the reporting rates for the two wearing schedule groups. Lens
wettability was very good or excellent for the majority of lenses
and deposition rates were very low and there were no differences
between the two groups.
No significant differences were found between the wearing schedule
groups for the reported rates of corneal staining or superior
epithelial arcuate lesions (SEAL). There were also no differences
in the annual incidence of inflammatory reactions including corneal
infiltrates, contact lens acute red eye (CLARE) or contact lens
papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC). No cases of microbial keratitis
occurred in either group in this study.
Traditional signs of hypoxia, epithelial edema, microcysts and
corneal striae, were observed infrequently and the annualized
incidence rates were unaffected by wearing schedule. Interestingly,
although bulbar and limbal hyperemia decreased significantly within
a month of commencing PureVision lens wear in both wearing schedule
groups, the 7 day/6 night lens group showed significantly more
bulbar/limbal injection (p=0.03) and vascularization (p=0.001)
than the 30 day/29 night group.
The overall success rate for patients remaining in the study
for the full 12 months was slightly better for the 30-day group
(84.4%) than the 7-day group (79.5%). These rates increased to
92.4% and 86.8% respectively when patients who discontinued from
the study for non lens related reasons were discounted.
The author concludes that the complication rates for both groups
were low and that high oxygen transmissibility silicone hydrogel
lenses are as safe when worn for 30 consecutive days as when they
are worn for 7 consecutive days. In summary practitioners can
be confident in prescribing these lenses to suitable patients
for periods of wear of up to 30 consecutive days without removal.
1. Poggio EC, Glynn RJ, et al.: The incidence of ulcerative keratitis
among users of daily-wear and extended-wear soft contact lenses.
N Engl J Med 1989; 321;12: 779-83.
2. Cheng KH, Leung SL, et al.: Incidence of contact-lens-associated
microbial keratitis and its related morbidity. Lancet 1999; 354;9174:
3. Fonn D, du Toit R, et al.: Sympathetic swelling response of
the control eye to soft lenses in the other eye. Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci 1999; 40;13: 3116-21.
4. Papas E, Vajdic C, et al.: High oxygen-transmissibility soft
contact lenses do not induce limbal hyperaemia. Curr Eye Res 1997;
16;9: 942-948.
5. du Toit R, Simpson TL, et al.: Recovery from hyperemia after
overnight wear of low and high transmissibility hydrogel lenses.
Curr Eye Res 2001; 22;1: 68-73.
6. Dumbleton KA, Chalmers RL, et al.: Vascular response to extended
wear of hydrogel lenses with high and low oxygen permeability.
Optom Vis Sci 2001; 78;3: 147-51.
7. Fonn D, MacDonald KE, et al.: The ocular response to extended
wear of a high Dk silicone hydrogel contact lens. Clin Exp Optom
2002; 85;3: 176-82.
8. Covey M, Sweeney DF, et al.: Hypoxic effects on the anterior
eye of high-Dk soft contact lens wearers are negligible. Optom
Vis Sci 2001; 78;2: 95-9.
9. Keay L, Sweeney DF, et al.: Microcyst response to high Dk/t
silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Optom Vis Sci 2000; 77;11: 582-5.
10. Dumbleton K. Adverse events with silicone hydrogel continuous
wear. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 2002; 25;3: 137-146.
11. Holden BA, Stephenson A, et al.: Superior epithelial arcuate
lesions with soft contact lens wear. Optom Vis Sci 2001; 78;1:
12. O'Hare N, Naduvilath T, et al.: A Clinical Comparison of Limbal
and Paralimbal Superior Epithelial Arcuate Lesions (SEALs) in
High Dk EW. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2001; 42;4: s595.
13. Stern J, Skotnitsky C, et al.: Comparison of the incidence
of contact lens papillary conjunctivitis (CLPC) between six and
thirty night high Dk soft extended wear schedules. Invest Ophthalmol
Vis Sci 2001; 42;4: s597.
14. Lim L, Loughnan MS, et al.: Microbial keratitis associated
with extended wear of silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Br J Ophthalmol
2002; 86;3: 355-7.