Institute for Eye Research (IER)/LVPEI Guide to Corneal Infiltrative Conditions
The Institute for Eye Research (IER)/LVPEI Guide to Corneal Infiltrative Conditions Seen in
Contact Lens Practice, sponsored by CIBA Vision, grew out of research
into contact lens related inflammation over the last 10 years at
Institute for Eye Research (IER) and LVPEI. Input was also obtained from key contact lens researchers
from around the world. The Guide covers a range of conditions, including
microbial keratitis, contact lens-induced peripheral ulcer, contact
lens-induced acute red eye, infiltrative keratitis, viral keratoconjunctivitis,
superior epithelial arcuate lesions, asymptomatic infiltrative keratitis,
and asymptomatic infiltrates. Each condition is described and pictured,
and information for each includes the severity rating, incidence,
symptoms, signs, aetiology, risk factors, and course and management.
The Guide is available to contact lens practitioners throughout
the world, to provide a reference for their practices and assist
in the treatment of patients. The Guide is available in English,
Spanish, French, German and Italian. For a copy of the Guide,
email Donna La Hood